to the laboratory

The next experiment in contemporary music theater is already bubbling in the test tubes of Opera Lab Berlin. We - an ensemble of singers, instrumentalists, composers, directors, lighting and sound designers, costume and set designers, dancers, choreographers, performance artists, actors - unite all the theatrical crafts to create unique pieces. Always on the lookout for new narratives, corresponding formats and exciting venues.
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Based on our love for Synthesizers, especially the once from Moog, we want to spotlight a personality who usually does not like to be named officially

Share Your Story about Wendy Carlos!

Wendy Carlos, formerly known as Walter Carlos, is an icon in the music and art world. Her groundbreaking contributions to electronic music and pioneering work in the use of synthesizers have inspired and influenced generations of artists.

We invite musicians, artists, and directors to share their personal stories and meanings related to Wendy Carlos. Perhaps her music has influenced your creative work, inspired you to new artistic heights, or helped you better understand yourself.

Tell us what Wendy Carlos means to you and share a special story or memory that you associate with her music. Whether it's an anecdote about the first moment you heard her music, a specific composition that changed your life, or how she shaped your artistic vision - we want to hear your unique perspective.

Please submit your stories and memories along with your name, artistic background, and any links to your work to operalabberlin@gmail.com. Selected stories may be shared on our platforms to celebrate Wendy Carlos's impact on the creative community.

We look forward to hearing from you and learning about your connection to this significant artist. By collecting these personal stories, we aim to celebrate Wendy Carlos's impact on music and culture while highlighting the diverse ways in which she has inspired individuals around the world. Through sharing these stories, we hope to honor her legacy and inspire future generations of artists.