Three works from German composer Carola Bauckholt are combined as three men wait for doomsday. Gloomy predictions have driven them to entrench themselves in a basement room, creating a highly unusual sense of urbanisation. The program centres upon ‘Der gefaltete Blick’ [The folded view], a dramatic miniature in the style of Samuel Beckett. Fragments of a cantata are mixed with noises from everyday objects and fantastical voice scraps to create a unique theatrical experience in which music and drama inextricably merge.
Instrumentation: Bass, alto, ’cello, two percussionists, three performers
Composer: Carola Bauckholt
Director: Eva-Maria Weiss
Stage-design & Costume-design: Lisa Fütterer
Conductor: Antoine Daurat
Duration: variable ca. 1.5-2 Hours, (entry in groups of 15, every 45 min), duration for each round ca. 35 min.
Photography: Martin Koos ©
Three works from German composer Carola Bauckholt are combined as three men wait for doomsday. Gloomy predictions have driven them to entrench themselves in a basement room, creating a highly unusual sense of urbanisation. The program centres upon ‘Der gefaltete Blick’ [The folded view], a dramatic miniature in the style of Samuel Beckett. Fragments of a cantata are mixed with noises from everyday objects and fantastical voice scraps to create a unique theatrical experience in which music and drama inextricably merge.
Instrumentation: Bass, alto, ’cello, two percussionists, three performers
Composer: Carola Bauckholt
Director: Eva-Maria Weiss
Stage-design & Costume-design: Lisa Fütterer
Conductor: Antoine Daurat
Duration: variable ca. 1.5-2 Hours, (entry in groups of 15, every 45 min), duration for each round ca. 35 min.
Photography: Martin Koos ©
Repertoire Carola Bauckholt:
Der gefaltete Blick (1984) Szenische Kantate für zwei Stimmen und Violoncello
Ohne Worte (2011) für Violoncello und Zuspielung
Geräusche (1992) für zwei Spieler
Enrico Wenzel: Bass—Performance
Georg Bochow: Counter Tenor—Performance
David Eggert: Violoncello —Performance
Eunbi Jeong: Percussion—Performance
Peter Fleckenstein: Percussion—Performance
Antoine Daurat, Günter Schanzmann, Julian Twarowski: Performance
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