Once upon a time, winged omniscient sirens lured sailors to their fatal reefs. Ignored by Odysseus returning home from war and drowned out by cruise ship entertainer Orpheus, they fell into the water, only to be rescued by P.T. Barnum and his Industry of Culture. The great seducers remain eternally unsatisfied... From the Bernhard Lang's five-part "DW 16r Retexture: Songbook I" for female voice and three instruments, Opera Lab Berlin creates a polyphonic piece of music theater.
Once upon a time, winged omniscient sirens lured sailors to their fatal reefs. Ignored by Odysseus returning home from war and drowned out by cruise ship entertainer Orpheus, they fell into the water, only to be rescued by P.T. Barnum and his Industry of Culture. The great seducers remain eternally unsatisfied... From the Bernhard Lang's five-part "DW 16r Retexture: Songbook I" for female voice and three instruments, Opera Lab Berlin creates a polyphonic piece of music theater.
Composer: Bernhard Lang
Stage Director and Editor: Michael Höppner
Musical Directors: David Eggert, Jack Adler-McKean
Artistic Director and Editor: Evan Gardner
Stage Design and Costumes: Aurel Lenfert
Light design and technician: Leroy Hawelky
Photographer: Martin Koos
Margaux Marielle-Tréhoüart: Dancer
Gina May Walter: Soprano
Nina Guo: Soprano
Luise Lein: Alto
Pedro Pablo Cámara Toldes: Saxophone
Mia Bodet: Keyboard
Evdoxia Filippou: Percussion
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