
Im Feld #2

A musical theater of objects

Anthropologists believe that the decisive step in the evolution of man took place when our ape ancestors began to use tools. At that moment, a new era dawned: the era of material things. But what if we give these things up? What happens if we just forget about mobile phones, cigarettes, shoes, and trousers? And what about music, our beloved form of expression, created by using things as well? What can happen without it? Based on compositions by Michael Maierhof and under the direction of Kapitolina Tsvetkova-Plotnikova, an exciting and entertaining original piece of musical object-theatre is created.

Instrumentation: Flute, two percussionists, guitar, performance

Composer: Michael Maierhof

Musical Director: Erik Drescher

Director & Stage-design: Kapitolina Tsvetkova-Plotnikova

Stage-design assitance: Maria Frastanli

Duration: 1h

Photography: Elena Panouli ©

Angela Braun: Soprano

Francisco Bejarano: Performance—Dance

Maya Shenfeld:

Erik Drescher: Flute—Alto Flute—Bass Flute

Evdoxia Fillipou: Percussion 

Alexandros Giovanos: Percussion


Im Feld #2

A musical theater of objects

Anthropologists believe that the decisive step in the evolution of man took place when our ape ancestors began to use tools. At that moment, a new era dawned: the era of material things. But what if we give these things up? What happens if we just forget about mobile phones, cigarettes, shoes, and trousers? And what about music, our beloved form of expression, created by using things as well? What can happen without it? Based on compositions by Michael Maierhof and under the direction of Kapitolina Tsvetkova-Plotnikova, an exciting and entertaining original piece of musical object-theatre is created.

Instrumentation: Flute, two percussionists, guitar, performance

Composer: Michael Maierhof

Musical Director: Erik Drescher

Director & Stage-design: Kapitolina Tsvetkova-Plotnikova

Stage-design assitance: Maria Frastanli

Duration: 1h

Photography: Elena Panouli ©


Im Feld #2

A musical theater of objects

Anthropologists believe that the decisive step in the evolution of man took place when our ape ancestors began to use tools. At that moment, a new era dawned: the era of material things. But what if we give these things up? What happens if we just forget about mobile phones, cigarettes, shoes, and trousers? And what about music, our beloved form of expression, created by using things as well? What can happen without it? Based on compositions by Michael Maierhof and under the direction of Kapitolina Tsvetkova-Plotnikova, an exciting and entertaining original piece of musical object-theatre is created.

Instrumentation: Flute, two percussionists, guitar, performance

Composer: Michael Maierhof

Musical Director: Erik Drescher

Director & Stage-design: Kapitolina Tsvetkova-Plotnikova

Stage-design assitance: Maria Frastanli

Duration: 1h

Photography: Elena Panouli ©

Angela Braun: Soprano

Francisco Bejarano: Performance—Dance

Maya Shenfeld:

Erik Drescher: Flute—Alto Flute—Bass Flute

Evdoxia Fillipou: Percussion 

Alexandros Giovanos: Percussion

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